Sri Lanka is famous for handicrafts and holds a long history of craft heritage. According to “Mahawamsa” the prevailing arts and crafts were innovated with the arrival of the Buddhist Nun “Sanghamitta” to Sri Lanka from India. History records that craftsmen belonging to sixty different castes arrived in Sri Lanka along with the Sacred Bo-Tree on her visit to Anuradhapura.
With this heritage, Sri Lanka got famous all over the world for its arts and crafts. If you visit ancient cities like Anuradhapura. Polonnaruwa, Sigiriya, and Kandy you will marvel at the intricate designs of Sri Lankan craftsmen. The flawless stone carving of the Samadhi Buddha statue and the stone Buddha statues at Anuradhapura: Awkana, Polonnaruwa Gal Vihara are unique in their carving.
Ambekke Temple is another marvelous place that you must visit on your visit to Sri Lanka. The intricate wood carvings at the temple are stupendous in their beauty and designs. Still, there are traditional carpenters who are engaged in wood carving. They create those age old masterpieces. But the problem is that you will not be able to see them everywhere.
For that, you have now got a chance to see how those alluring creations are begotten. It’s just a few miles away from one of the tourist’s hotspot- Galle.
Sometimes you may have already visited the mask making factories at Ambalangada, You can also get to this factory within a few minutes from Ambalangoda.
The Sri Lanka Wood Carving Centre is totally different from what you have seen up to now because there are traditional craftsmen who use traditional methods and traditional simple tools to materialize those age old designs making them more attractive. What’s impressive is that they don’t even use sand paper to smoothen them; instead, they use their chisels to smooth them.
You can see how those lifeless, shapeless pieces of wood become adorning elephants, wall hangings of wood, stilt fishermen, and animal and human figures.
These creations have decorated many of the Hotels and Villas in the area for a long time. They are created according to the taste and satisfaction of the buyer. So if you have a design in mind to suit your Company, Hotel, Home, or any other place you can get it created by the Wood carvers of Sri Lanka. You can order any design for a charge, and observe the wood being carved. You will fall in love with the final product.
If you have wood with no specific shape and you want to transform it into furniture or decor, you can always get it done. The Wood carvers of Sri Lanka are very clever when it comes to letting out their creative spirit.
Buy your own wood carvings from